by Cheryl McClure | Oct 7, 2006 | website stuff
An urge has been brewing for some time……… re-design my web site. About a year or so ago, I bought the upgraded Office 2003 and it came with an upgrade to FrontPage as well……so dummy me, I loaded the whole thing up and as luck would...
by Cheryl McClure | Oct 5, 2006 | art colony
Well leave it to me……I finally got back to the studio yesterday to put the finishing touches on a couple more paintings started at Colony. I was putting away pint jars of paint, etc. and just used my foot to push a carton out of the way. I promise, it was...
by Cheryl McClure | Oct 1, 2006 | art colony
I haven’t been back long from the art retreat in Mississippi. During the time there we had a wireless connection….BUT, it never seemed to want to connect during any time I could sit down to make a blog entry. We’re always painting, talking, or eating...
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