Unlocking Pandora’s box. That might be what I could call trying to find something in the studio. I mentioned earlier finding a painting from 2005………now I need to find a painting for a frame and plexiglas here in the studio. Knowing me, I did not order a good frame and plexiglas for no reason at all…….but it’s 19 x 25″…….hum, now where is that painting?
Then I had to uncover a lot more dust bunnies as I KNEW I had 16 x 16 plexiglas for the last three maple frames that size and I need them now for some collage pieces. Wouldn’t you know it was on the bottom of the pile of stuff under the table corner on an old rolling utility cart…………..BUT, now I have two extra ones and wonder why.
Oh……..and all the saved collage stuff I found (cough, cough). If I didn’t do collage/mixed media work, I might have more room around here.
Maybe there’s a message here………some real goody hiding out in all this stuff that will just MAKE my new painting project. I can hope so.. or give that excuse anyway for keeping all this stuff anyone else would have trashed long ago.
The downer is I got all my stuff out for putting the chopped 48 x 48″ frame together this morning and found a bad place in the corner so had to call the framer to return them so it will be after the new year before they send the new ones to replace these. I was hoping to make inroads on getting some of this stuff framed up so I could put it all away and start fresh.
Framing/matting,etc just doesn’t mix well with painting and collaging. I’ve been cutting all the outsides of my rag mat and backing boards for the past couple of years and then taking them downtown to the framer to cut the insides for a nominal fee. It sure beats ruining expensive rag mat like I’m prone to do since I don’t do enough mat cutting to get good at it.
Guess my break has lasted long enough…..lured away by email again. Need to get the outsides of those mats cut and stacked away.
Cheryl, you are describing my studio exactly. It's uncanny! Funny, I didn't see you out there.
I have a huge accumulation of collage materials as well. I never do collage, but know in the back of my mind that I will someday. Meanwhile I work around all those bags and boxes of goodies.
maybe it's a blessing to only have a garage for space…if I had more, I would probably also have an etching press, and wax supplies. And then, there is always found object sculpture…that would be worse than collage, or maybe just an extention.