by Cheryl McClure | Apr 25, 2008 | abstract paintings, Mississipi Art Colony
Finally getting a chance to write and upload my first painting from the current Colony session. This one is 40 x 40″ acrylic on canvas. What other title could I give it but “Watery”??I’m now waiting for paint to dry…you’ve heard...
by Cheryl McClure | Apr 21, 2008 | art retreat, Mississipi Art Colony, travel
It’s that time again…….twice a year I load up lots of art supplies and head to Mississippi Art colony. It’s so wonderful to be able to get away from everything…no cooking, cleaning, and interruptions. Just paint and see other artist...
by Cheryl McClure | Apr 6, 2008 | farm
I’ve been over to the farm for a couple of days. We’re continuing to work around the place. This morning we had a few “surprise visitors”.If you could have seen the whole thing it would have been hilarious. There were 19 kinda tame cows that...
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