I’m back from Mississippi Art colony……all my gear is unloaded and in the studio although i haven’t yet unpacked all the paints. It was wonderful to see all my artist friends that I rarely see but twice a year.

Generally, all I ever take is totally blank canvas. Knowing I was coming back to an  ‘in progress’ diptych from me starting to paint over an old one, I decided to take them with me as well as the blank canvas.

So, the first morning I set to painting and finishing this diptych… that only has a working title of Johnson Creek, Blue, green, violet. It is acrylic on two canvases, 36 x 60 inches total.








After I set that one aside to work on a new painting…. this is what I am ending up with so far………acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36 inches……..Little Pieces of Land, with Magenta is the working title for now.

The next one I worked on during the week was a piece I am still considering doing more to….line some drawing lines over the paint. Of course that will call for more paint back into the lines and so on and so on…. but here it is as it is right now. VERY colorful, for sure. I already posted it on FB during the week.  acrylic on canvas 24 x 36 inches….working title of Red-orange.


I’ll post the next ones on the next blog post………. I was determined not to stay in a rut and got into some drawing exercises and had a lot of fun with them..


Until then, thanks for tuning in.


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