Good gosh, all I wanted to do was update the blog with labels and the new template Blogger wants us to use.
It wasn’t too bad… but I did copy and paste my links ( not too many) into a .txt document and saved them just in case. Then I updated and got a new template that looked similar to the background of my website. Sure enough, the links to the other websites I had on the blog were gone. So I put them back in one at a time.
Then I moved stuff around. Good thing I noticed Nita Leland was labeling her blog as well and someone on her blog mentioned how we could do the labeling without uploading every page over and over. Bad thing is I don’t really know what I want to label all these entries as………So I had to think about how I wanted to label each entry.
I started with the oldest and am progressing slowly……….and I mean slowly.
In the meantime, I’m adding paint to the small pieces I’m working on in the studio……Procrastination is my middle name it seems.
Looking good!
Hi, Cheryl! How's the labeling going? I just read this post of a couple of weeks ago and was surprised that you lost your links when you upgraded to the new I didn't have that problem, thank heavens, or I probably never would have stayed with the new version. I like the labels, too. It took awhile to get them finished, but it's usesful to be able to check a subject and look at all the posts on it, so I don't duplicate.–Nita
I just got back to working on them the other day. I added quite a few more but will probably stop going back to old posts now. I will try to remember to add labels to NEW posts though as I see they would be good to have.
On the links….I just had to go in and learn how to add them in the new template. Maybe if I hadn't changed templates they would have migrated. I'm happy that I didn't have too many and that I copied them before switching just in case.