Rear of SUV

Whew… it’s 90 degrees here at 5:30pm. I just got my SUV loaded for colony with a little help from my two helpers. The wind almost blew the canvases and panels surrounding my vehicle away… SO I had to load them a little faster and less thoughtfully than usual. It was a challenge to get it all in. I still don’t have my little cooler, and my clothes, etc. loaded. I guess the only place for them to go is in the front seat and floorboard.

I have now decided that low carb diet or not, next time I WILL NOT TAKE FOOD. It is a pain in the rear to try to haul food with you and it’s only a little bit anyway. One of the numerous perks of colony is not cooking…nothing but art talks and painting…sitting around with the best friends an artist could find.All those soft drinks are something I never take either… ah ha..the wine, yeah..not leaving that behind…OR the 9 canvases. After all I don’t know what I am going to paint so I need all kinds of sizes and orientations. I wanted to take something this time to enter in the show. I can hope that I don’t have to bring them back and that they will get in and lighten my load a little.  I suppose I can’t stop and shop on the way across LA now…no where to put another ounce.

Yaaay, Mississippi Art Colony….Here I come…first thing in the morning!



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