Interstices and Intervals

For a long time now I’ve realized that my most successful (to me) paintings are those that address the painting of the negative or spaces between. Today, I got up to the studio for two things………to address the interstices in my paintings more...

Counting down to THE Encaustic Conference

Counting down the days until the 5th Annual Encaustic Conference………..only about 16 to go before heading off to Dallas to be prepared for the flight out to Boston and then on to Provincetown. I’ve never been so this will be especially fun this...

Back to the ranch

Whew… what a whirlwind of a couple of weeks. Colony and lots of painting time…then home to develop some kind of chest cold that laid me out for a week. Then down to Houston to the Hunting Art Prize Gala. It was a great experience. The time was far too...